Abrasion Damage caused to the hose assembly, externally by being rubbed on another object or internally from the flow of media through the hose.
Ambient Conditions Surrounding conditions the hose assembly is exposed to such as pressure, temperature and corrosion.
Amplitude of Vibration or Lateral Movement The distance a hose moves to one side from its installed position.
Angular Offset Bending the hose so the ends are no longer parallel.
Annular Corrugation A series of rings or convulsions at right angle to the centre line of the hose.
Armor/Casing Used to protect the hose and/or to limit bend radius.
Attachment The method used for attaching end fittings on to the hose, eg welding.
Axial Motion Compression or extension along the length of the hose (absorption of movement).
Basket Weave Braid Wire Strands that are alternately crossed two over and two under.
Bend Radius The radius of a bend measured from the centre line.
Braid Flexible wire that is weaved together to form a sleeve over the flexible hose, this is done to protect the hose from elongation when under internal pressure, a second layer of braid can be used for higher pressure assemblies.
Braid Angle The angle formed by the braid strands along the axis of the hose.
Braid Sleeve or Ferrule A metal ring that goes over the end of the hose and braid that end fittings can be attached to.
Braid Wear Friction between braid and hose which can cause wear.
Braided Braid Wire strands are firstly braided together.
Butt Weld A form of welding where the ends to be joined are butted up against each other and a joined by a weld.
Constant Flexing Continuous or regular movement, for example if the hose is connected to moving parts.
Corrosion Chemical attack of media on a hose.
Corrugation/Convolution Annular or helical flexing member in corrugated hose.
Cycle Life How many cycles a hose can go through before it fails.
Cycle Motion The movement from neutral to extreme position and then back again.
Developed Length The overall length of the assembly including hose and end fittings required for a specific application.
Diamond Weave Braid Wire strands alternately crossed one over and one under.
Dye Penetrate Test A non destructive test used to check for surface imperfections such as cracks.
Dynamic Motion Non continuous controlled motion e.g. thermal expansion.
Erosion The wearing away of convolutions due to the flow of media.
Fatigue Structural failure associated with flexing of the hose
Ferrule A metal ring that goes over the end of the hose and braid that end fittings can be attached to.
Flat Braid Structural failure associated with flexing of the hose.
Flow Rate Volume of media passing through the hose in a specific time e.g. gallons per minute.
Frequency of Vibration The rate of vibration or flexure of a hose in a specific time e.g. cycles per minute.
Helical Corrugation A convolution on a hose that is one continuous spiral.
Inside Diameter The distance measured at the closest point either side of the centreline of the hose.
Lap Weld A weld were the edges of the material overlap and are then welded together.
Lateral Offset Bending the hose so the ends are parallel.
Linear A sleeve inserted into the hose to protect the corrugations of the hose from abrasion or used for high velocity media.
Live Length The section of the hose assembly which is able to flex.
Loop Installation An installation where the hose is installed in a loop or U shape, this often done where there is movement.
Media/Medium The substance that passes through the hose.
Minimum Bend Radius The smallest radius that a hose can be bent to without suffering permanent damage.
Nominal Diameter Approximate inside diameter.
Operating Conditions Conditions a hose assembly is subjected to such as temperature, pressure and movement.
Outside Diameter The distance measured at the furthest point either side of the centreline of the hose.
Permanent Bend/Static Bend A fixed radius bend in a hose assembly.
Pitch The distance between the peaks of the convolutions.
Ply The number of layers metal used to construct the wall.
Pressure, Atmospheric The pressure of the atmosphere a sea level which is 14.7 PSI
Pressure, Deformation The pressure that the convolutions of a hose become permanently deformed.
Pressure, Maximum Test The maximum pressure a hose should be subjected to for test purposes without permanently deforming the hose.
Pressure, Maximum Working The maximum pressure that the hose should work at on a day to day basis.
Pressure, Pulsating Rapid change in pressure above and below the normal base pressure.
Pressure, Shock A sudden increase of pressure that can cause a shockwave through the hose permanently damaging it.
Pressure, Static A constant pressure that does not change.
Pressure, Working Internal or external pressure imposed on a hose during normal operating conditions.
PSIA Pounds per square inch absolute.
PSIG Pounds per square inch gauge.
Radial Motion When a hose is bent in a 180° arc like what is used in vertical and horizontal traveling loops.
Random Motion Uncontrolled movement of a hose such as what occurs during manual handling.
Safety Factor The relationship between working pressure and burst pressure.
Scale Refers to oxide or thin coating of media bought on by surface conditions or welding.
Seamless Refers to corrugated metal hose does not have a weld seam down the
Squirm Hose failure where the hose is deformed into a S or U shape as a result of excessive internal pressure on un-braided hose where the ends or restrained, or un-braided hose where the hose has been axially compressed loosening the braid while the hose is pressurised.
Static Bend A fixed radius bend.
Steep Braid Braid with an angle of less than 45°.
Strand Individual strands of wire that make up the braid.
Stress Corrosion A form of corrosion in stainless steel usually associated with chlorides.
Temperature Correction Factor Corrects the pressure rating in higher temperature applications.
Torque/Torsion A force that produces rotation along the longitudinal axis of a hose assembly where one end is fixed.
Vacuum Negative pressure of suction.
Velocity Speed at which the media flows through the hose.
Velocity Resonance Vibrations of convolutions due to the buffeting of high velocity gas or air flow.